Recipe: Tasty Pannetone

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Pannetone. Panettone is an Italian type of sweet bread originally from Milan (in the local Milanese dialect it is called panetton, pronounced [paneˈtũː]), usually prepared and enjoyed for Christmas and New Year in. I'm not sure where I heard about panettone bread for the first time, but I was surprised at never having tasted this traditional Italian Christmas bread before. Panettone is a towering round of sweet bread speckled with raisins, citrus, and The rest is straightforward!

Pannetone Buy products related to panettone italian products and see what customers say about panettone italian products on Panettone Italian. Panettone is a sweet bread originally from Milan, Italy. It is usually served for Christmas and New Year. You can cook Pannetone using 9 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Pannetone

  1. It's 180 g of lait.
  2. Prepare 20 g of levure de boulanger.
  3. It's 1 of oeuf.
  4. Prepare 80 g of beurre mou.
  5. Prepare 60 g of sucre.
  6. Prepare 400 g of farine.
  7. You need 1 of cuillère a soupe de rhum blanc.
  8. You need 1 of cuillère a café de fleur d oranger.
  9. Prepare 1 of pincée de sel.

The bread is round, tall and has a cupola shape. I've always wanted to make Panettone but never had the guts to try it. This classic panettone recipe from Andrea Tortora requires some careful timing and a bunch of patience, but the result is well worth it. Panettone is not a bread for the faint of heart.

Pannetone step by step

  1. Faites tiedir le lait a 37 degrés..
  2. Ajoutez la levure et melangez bien pendant 1 minute..
  3. Ajoutez ensuite l oeuf, le sucre, le beurre en morceaux, le sel, la farine, le rhum et la fleur d oranger..
  4. Pétrissez pendant 5 minutes. La pâte doit etre lisse..
  5. On peut, a ce moment de la recette, ajouter des fruits secs ou des ecorces d orange..
  6. Couvrez et laissez reposer pendant 1h30 dans un endroit chaud..
  7. Apres ce temps, sortez la pate, dégagez la legerement et formez une boule a l aide d un peu de farine si besoin..
  8. Deposez la dans un moule a pannetone, chemisé de papier sulfurisé..
  9. Couvrez et laissez poussé de nouveau 1h30 dans un endroit chaud..
  10. Préchauffez votre four et enfournez pour 40 min..

Note I did not say it's not a bread for beginners, because I believe even those relatively new to bread baking, as I was last year. Panettone is an Italian Christmas tradition. The tall, dome-shaped cake rises with yeast and is utterly delicious when baked right. Thank you so much for the clear and cincise It was the BEST recipe for Panettone I have ever had! Classic Panettone recipe : this festive bread is a favorite holiday recipe.