How to Prepare Perfect ☆Sauce Caramiel☆

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

☆Sauce Caramiel☆. How to Make Caramel Sauce: To get started, place a cup of granulated sugar in a saucepan, and give it a little shake so. Homemade Caramel Sauce is EASY to make! To make caramel sauce, first you start by heating white granulated sugar. (Make sure you are using real sugar, not a sugar substitute.) This Caramel Sauce recipe is so scrumptious and the easiest that I have ever made!

☆Sauce Caramiel☆ This caramel sauce recipe calls for a higher ratio of sugar to butter, producing a rich, sweet sauce that is perfect for less-sweet desserts. Caramel Sauce is traditionally made of granulated sugar that cooks at a certain temperature until it caramelizes. It is combined with heavy cream, butter and vanilla extract. You can have ☆Sauce Caramiel☆ using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of ☆Sauce Caramiel☆

  1. Prepare 100 g of crème liquide.
  2. It's 25 g of lait.
  3. It's 75 g of miel (j’utilise du miel de producteur).
  4. Prepare 30 g of sucre.
  5. Prepare 1/2 gousse of vanille.
  6. Prepare 2 g of fleur de sel.
  7. You need 35 g of beurre.
  8. It's 10 cl of d’eau.

Caramel sauces made with granulated sugar are not fool proof as the sugar can. Healthier, all natural ingredients, and goes perfectly with everything you pour it over!! The Christmas season means many things. This Homemade Caramel Sauce is to die for!

☆Sauce Caramiel☆ instructions

  1. Faire chauffer le lait, la crème, la fleur de sel et la vanille, au première bulles, retirer du feu et laisser infusé un quart d’heure.
  2. Remettre à chauffer sur feu très doux pour ne pas faire bouillir. Dans une autre casserole, faire chauffer l’eau, le sucre et le miel jusqu’à 140°C. Jusqu'à obtention d'une une belle couleur ambrée.
  3. Verser le mélange lait/crème/sel/vanille dans le caramel, ça va faire de grosse bulles, attention aux éclaboussures.
  4. Laisser remonter la température à 105°C en remuant.
  5. Passer au chinois et laisser descendre la température à 70°C.
  6. Ajouter le beurre, mixer et réserver au frigo au mois 3h.
  7. Déguster sur des crêpes ! 🤤😋.

It's a classic recipe that you'll make over and over again. This homemade caramel sauce recipe is super easy to make. It is a versatile sauce that can be used for dipping, drizzling over ice cream, or served on top of other decadent desserts. Caramel sauce is a wonderful topping for ice cream, cake, pie, and bread pudding. The key to creamy caramel sauce is to avoid stirring the sugar and water mixture once it begins to boil.